Sunday, June 24, 2007

R.I.P. 160GB Hard Drive

My hard drive died last night - spectacularly or horribly depending on your point of view. The most frustrating thing about this is (shuffles foot a little) I hadn't made a backup yet this week! So all those new words on Thursday? Yeah - gone. :-( I mean - I wasn't 100% thrilled with them anyway - but they were there. I usually back up my writing files to a thumb drive after every writing session - but it was late; I was tired; and I thought, oh, I'll do it in the morning. *sigh* Luckily, I did have a backup and a spare 80GB drive, so the most I've lost is anything from about the last week. And a few of those things I have been able to reconstruct. Any new bookmarks from the last week are gone - but if those things occur to me again, I'm sure I'll find those sites again.

So this is my public service announcement to all writers: no matter how tired you are, back everything up.

And now I'm off to search for a new 160GB drive.

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